Dirt Roads Again
Note: This is an old post migrated from a bike racing blog I had for a time, GHBRA, or the Georgia Homeless Bike Racer Association. It was a pretty infromal log of our travel and experiences racing bikes as teenagers.
So the dirt roads in north Georgia, are not at all like the dirt roads in south Alabama. First of all, they are gravel. Also, they go straight up. Here is some proof of why they are better here.
Whoa, whoa, actually, I just noticed something. The first picture really reminds me of Hood River Oregon. It’s not exact, and I may be the only person in the world who thinks it is cool, but I think it’s really cool, so here is the picture I took 6 months ago on a ride on the other side of the nation:
I’m totally going back to get the same angle on the Georgia version.