
Note: This post has been migrated from my old WanderTech blog. The original post contained various product photos and diagrams which are currently missing. I’ll update this post if I can track down the original images.

The WanderDAQ shield plugs directly into the Arduino Pro 3.3v board, and can collect data from any analog sensor in 2 different ways (Over serial or on a microSD card). The Pro’s 6 analog pins, 6 of the digital pins, both 3.3v power and the 4 ground pins are broken out into terminal blocks. These allow the user to securely fasten the sensor’s wiring with screws rather than solder. All of this combines to make a flexible, robust, modify-able solution to quickly and cheaply gathering data in the field. We are working on integrating a logic level converter into revision 3 to allow for use with the more ubiquitous 5v Arduinos.

Serial Connection

The first is through the serial connection (the USB cable), with this method, the DAQ is tethered to the computer, and powered through the cable, which reduces complexity. With the DAQ plugged in, and this file loaded on to the Arduino, a custom application can be run to log the data. The signal at each of the analog pins (in mV) is measured for a user-specified period of time, and is written to a .csv file.

This method of data acquisition is perfect for many applications, including lab work, prototyping, testing, and more. Strictly speaking it can be done without a shield at all, and the application can just be used to log the data from the analog pins with wires inserted directly into them. The shield does, however, increase the rigidity of the system by using screw headers for the connections, which hold the wires very securely.

MicroSD Card Logging

Also on the board is a set of female headers, which allow a SparkFun microSD breakout board to be plugged in. This allows for data acquisition in remote areas or in very dynamic situations where connectivity to a computer is not possible or practical. Similarly to the serial application, there is Arduino code provided to log the data, but the data file will be saved onto the microSD card instead of the computer. The serial logging script can also be used to log data from this shield if it is tethered while data is written to the microSD card.